I Won a Game!!! Hooray!

One key to happiness – GAMES
Yessssss!!! I finally won a game in 2006! The monkey is off my back; the dark clouds have dispersed; the jinx is broken; I’m off the hot seat; etc. ------ Okay, so I’m a little over the top, but after more than three months of not winning a game, it REALLY FEELS GOOD!
After a great lunch (if I do say so myself) that Sue and I fixed, we brought out the games. Natalia was attending a birthday party, so it was just six of us. I was a bit surprised that no one objected to trying a new game, for the second weekend in a row. I have really been looking forward to this – Hacienda. That is one great game, and I don’t think I heard anyone say they didn’t like it. Naturally, for the first time out, we were really feeling our way, and we certainly don’t have a good handle on this game from just one play. But, we all enjoyed it. Results: Dan and Mason tied first; me third; Sue fourth; and Katrina last, but the scores were quite close. I know we’ll play this one some more.
Our next game was 6-player Bohnanza. I thought Joel was going to wipe us out again, but I was very surprised when we counted the gold at the end of the game and found these results: Sue first; Mason second; Katrina third; Joel fourth; Dan and me (tied) fifth.
Mason said he had time for one more game before he had to leave. It looked like another day of losses for me, especially when he asked for (no surprise) Settlers of Catan. Sue and I have the fewest wins of this game, among the five adults. I felt like I was starting off slowly, but I had managed to get on both an “8” and a “6” wheat (quite surprisingly), and those numbers, naturally, came up reasonably often. I also snagged a 3:1 port, so I eventually got rolling. At the end of the game, Katrina and I both had 9 points, but I rolled the perfect number for me, gathered enough resources to build a road and a settlement, and won the game. Everyone was happy to see me finally win a game this year (probably so I won’t be whining so much), and Sue said she had a feeling that it was my day to get a victory. Now, I can relax. Results: Me first; Katrina second; Mason and Sue tied third; Dan last.
After Mason left, the rest of us finished off with two quick games of Fill or Bust. Katrina and Joel finished 1-2 in both games. A nice light way to end the day.
--- Gerald … near Denver, Colorado; March 2006
aka gamesgrandpa -- A grandpa who is a mile high on gaming
Congrats on your win!!! I'm glad you guys enjoyed Hacienda. It's my favorite game right now although that might change next week when I get the new Ticket to Ride: Marklin.
Way to go, Gerald! Glad to hear your lucky rabbit's foot finally kicked in. :)
I'm also glad to hear Hacienda was a success with everyone.
(whisper) They let you win. You know this, right?
Susan, Mary -- Thanks much. It's good to have the pressure off.
Brian -- Yes, I know. I told them I appreciated it. ----- But, then I remembered that no one in this group could make themselves do that ---- too competitive. :-)
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