Games Played May 6, 2006

One key to happiness – GAMES
Okay, I’ve resigned myself to never winning another game for the rest of my life. ---------
I’ll just enjoy playing and serving as cannon fodder for the rest of the family. At least, I still like playing.
Alhambra is one of our current favorite games, although this was only our third time to play it. Obviously, Dan likes it; he’s won two of the three games. Results: Dan first; Sue second; Mason third; Joel and Katrina (tied) fourth; me last (wayyyyy back). Maybe someday I’ll learn how to play this game.
Another round of 7-player Bohnanza, and fun, as usual. Results: Dan first; Natalia second; Joel and Katrina (tied) third; Mason and me (tied) fifth; Sue last.
Nertz is the other game Natalia particularly enjoys, so we play it with 7 people and it’s a blast. Results: Joel first (with a score three times that of second place!); Dan second; Natalia third (only two points behind Dan, who used to always be last); Mason fourth; Katrina fifth; me sixth; Sue last. The last three of us ended with negative scores. Tough competition.
We all played Royal Turf, too. That’s three games with all 7 of us – very unusual. I really enjoy this game. Results: Sue first; me second; Natalia third; Joel fourth; Dan, Katrina, Mason (tied) last.
Final game of the day was (wait for it……………) Settlers of Catan [surprise!]. I think Mason believes it is not a game day, unless we play Settlers. It was a close finish, with three of us at 9 points for the last round – Dan, Katrina, and me. Dan just couldn’t get the cards he needed on his turn. Katrina played just before me. She rolled a five, which gave me the wheat I needed to convert a settlement to a city, which would win the game. Unfortunately for me, it also gave Katrina the wheat she needed to win the game. Déjà vu! She won Settlers in virtually the same way a couple of weeks ago, one dice roll ahead of my turn in which I would have won. It was so close, I could taste it, but close doesn’t count in Settlers. Results: Katrina first; Dan and me (tied) second; Mason and Sue (tied) last.
Except for Royal Turf, Dan had a great day – 2 firsts and 2 seconds out of five games. Nice going! Katrina kept pointing out that we were celebrating her birthday, but she wasn’t winning games – a third, a fourth, and two fifths, until she won Settlers. At least she won one!
--- Gerald … near Denver, Colorado
aka gamesgrandpa -- A grandpa who is a mile high on gaming
Sounds like Sue had a tough day, too, with 3 "lasts". Or are they balanced out with a "first" and a "second"?
Anyway, sounds like a good day with 3 games played with everyone!
I'd say a first and second balance the last places. It would for me (sigh).
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