Games Played July 15, 2006

One key to happiness – GAMES
We had a fun day of gaming on Saturday. We got in five games, only one of which is a regular for us.
We started with the popular 7-player Bohnanza. Natalia and Joel always do well at this game, and today was no exception. What was exceptional was the fact that four of us tied for first place – very unusual. Results: Natalia, Joel, Dan, and me (tied) first; Katrina fifth; Sue sixth; Mason last.
We then decided to go with another game 7 people can enjoy, one we hadn’t played in quite a while. Flea Circus (Zirkus Flohcati) is a very easy, light, quick game. We play three games and combine the scores to count as one game. Results: Katrina first; Joel and Mason (tied) second; Sue fourth; Dan fifth; me sixth; Natalia last. Natalia usually does better than that at this game – must have been an off day for her.
One of Natalia’s favorite games is Nertz, so we tackled it next. We decided to play to a score of 75, and the game went quickly. It is a wild and crazy game, with 7 players at one kitchen table! We sit almost elbow-to-elbow, and still have trouble keeping up with all the fast-changing card stacks at the opposite ends. Results: Katrina first; Joel second; Mason third; Dan fourth; Sue fifth; Natalia sixth; me last. Many years ago, Sue and I were excellent at this game, but we’ve really slowed down, as we’ve gotten older. Not surprising. Natalia and Joel have been playing with a card or two handicap, so they do not have to get rid of 13 cards to win. However, they have become so good at this game this year that they now play with the same number as the rest of us, and they still do very well.
I suggested Around the World in 80 Days next, and we had a close game, as usual. I jumped out to a good lead, picking up bonuses for reaching cities first, and Sue was way behind most of the game, but also picking up bonuses for being last at each city. I was in the lead, with a reasonably small number of days spent, when I reached the Pacific Ocean. Then, I got stuck – could not get ship cards at all, and the detective began ruining my day-count. I still thought I had a chance, once I got to San Francisco. Mason hurried in, going many days over 80, but expecting to win by virtue of reaching London first, and hoping everyone else would also take more than 80 days. His strategy looked good for a while. Joel took a few days more than 80, and I took 81 days. Sue then reached London in 79 days, which looked like the winning time. But, Dan finished in 78 days for the win, and poor Katrina could not get the cards to even finish in the last turn. Results: Dan first; Sue second; Mason third; Joel fourth; me fifth; Katrina last.
We had a short time left for gaming, and Sue suggested Trumpet, which we enjoy with 7 players. The only surprise of the game was the fact that I managed to win, with Sue just one space away from the finish. In fact, she and I practically ran away with the game during the last couple of hands. Seven-player Trumpet can be a very nasty game, since it is not uncommon for all three Trumpet cards to be dealt in a hand, sometimes with two of them in the same player’s hand. Results: Me first; Sue second; Dan third; Mason fourth; Joel fifth; Katrina sixth; Natalia last.
It’s been a while since we played so many 7-player games in one day, and it was a lot of fun. Still haven’t gotten Australia to the table, and we won’t all be together for games during the next three weekends, so it will be pressing to get to try Australia by the end of August. I’m already researching my next game order and looking forward to making final selections.
--- Gerald … near Denver, Colorado
aka gamesgrandpa -- A grandpa who is a mile high on gaming
That sounds like a very tense game of Around the World in 80 Days. I think it's a great family game and you never really know who wins until the end.
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