Games Played September 30, 2006

One key to happiness – GAMES
This was an unusual game day for us, but much fun. After we watched Joel’s last two flag football games for the season and ate great hamburgers at a Red Robin restaurant, we adjourned to the Cavaliere home for games. Mason surprised us by bringing and introducing his new girlfriend, Kassi. Kassi is a delightful person who fit right in with us all. The amazing news is that she knew what Settlers of Catan is and had even played a couple of games some time ago. Her brother really likes Settlers and had introduced her to it. Additionally, she is a great player of Nertz (her family, like ours, called this game by a different name, but the rules are essentially the same). Nertz, of course, is a favorite game of Natalia’s, so we played it to start the day. Since it was Kassi's first time to play with us, we didn’t keep score, but she was certainly doing better than several of us.
Naturally, I had taken Settlers of Catan for game day, since it appears to be Mason’s favorite game. Kassi indicated that she didn’t remember the specifics of the game, but was willing to join in. Since it accommodates only 6 players, Joel volunteered to “help” Kassi re-learn the game, and they made a formidable team. In fact, they won the game! Results: Joel and Kassi (team) first; Dan second; Katrina third; me fourth; Sue fifth; Mason last. Poor Mason, playing his favorite game, lost badly to his girlfriend and Joel.
Next, we decided to try Bohnanza with eight players. It worked great. I know there must be a limit to the number of players in this game, but we haven’t hit it, yet. Kassi caught on quickly, very quickly. Results: Joel first; Mason and Kassi (tied) second; Dan, Sue, and me (tied) fourth; Natalia fifth; Katrina last (new low record score of 4, and she also held the previous low score of 5). Looks like Bohnanza will be a game we can all play together and enjoy very much.
Since we were on a roll, we decided to try another game with eight players – Trumpet. Again, the number of players worked fine, especially for a game designed for a maximum of six players. Kassi is a card player, so she had no trouble learning Trumpet, although she didn’t finish as well in this game as in the others. Results: Joel first (three games in a row today!); Sue second; Dan third; Natalia fourth; Mason fifth; me sixth; Kassi seventh; Katrina last (maybe Katrina was just being a good host today).
After Trumpet, Sue and I decided to call it a day. It was a lot of fun, and we look forward to including Kassi in more game days, if she is available. She is a natural game player.
--- Gerald … near Denver, Colorado
aka gamesgrandpa -- A grandpa who is a mile high on gaming
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