Family Gaming Records

One key to happiness – GAMES
We have been keeping records of our family gaming wins since January 1, 2001. At the beginning of 2004, we began keeping statistics for all finishes in our games, awarding 8 points for first place, 4 for second, 2 for third, 1 for fourth, and 0 for fifth, sixth, and seventh. We only count games played by all five adults, so our statistics are consistent.
Over the past four and a half years (795 games counted), Mason is our “winningest” player, by quite a bit. Our ranking is: Mason 24.5%, Dan 19.9%, Katrina 19.1%, me 16.2%, Sue 16.1%, Joel 3.3%, and Natalia 0.9%. It is important to note that stats for Joel and Natalia are not indicative of their actual performances. Natalia was only five years old when we began keeping statistics, and Joel was three, so they have only played a small percentage of those games, all in the past couple of years.
The stats for finishing places perhaps give a better idea of our relative game prowess. In this regard, for the 80 games counted so far in 2006, here are our standings: Mason 19.9%, Katrina 19.3%, Sue 16.1%, Dan 14.9%, and me 10.7% of the total points. Joel has played 59 games with us this year, and Natalia has played 21 games. Considering the fewer points they could have accumulated, their success percentages were better than the adults. Of the games each of them played, Natalia’s success rate is 21.9%, and Joel’s is 20.7%.
There are 55 games in our list of statistics, which we have played a total of 795 times. The most popular game has been Trumpet with 94 plays, followed by Bohnanza with 93 plays. Carcassonne is in third place with 68 plays. Many games have been played and counted only once or twice. Game leaders (those who have won specific games more times than other players, or who share that honor with one or more other persons) have these standings: Mason – 21 games, Dan – 17, Sue – 15, Katrina – 14, me – 6, and Joel – 1 (Tongiaki). Natalia just hasn’t played enough games to make this list.
When I complain about not winning games this year, Sue reminds me that she has always been at the bottom of the heap. But, so far this year, she has won 15 games, while I have won only 4 of the 80 we’ve counted. In total, I’ve won 129 of the 795 games recorded, while she has won 128 – we are virtually tied. Interestingly, Joel has won 12 games this year (playing in just 59), and Natalia has won 5 out of 21 played. Both kids have more wins than me, and I’ve played 80 games. This definitely is NOT my year for winning games!
In addition to these statistics, we also have noted record high scores for many games and record low scores for a few games.
What does all this mean? It means we love playing games, we enjoy competition, and we like to keep track of the results of our gaming. It adds to our overall enjoyment of family gaming.
Here’s the list of the 55 different games counted in our statistics, with number of games counted for each: Africa - 4; Alhambra - 4; Alibi - 2; Around the World in 80 Days - 8; Bidding Game {Oh Hell} - 33; Bohnanza (incl. High Bohn games) - 93; Boomtown - 4; Bugami - 2; Canyon - 3; Carcassonne - 68; Cartagena - 2; Cloud Nine - 4; Coloretto - 24; Cube Farm - 1; David & Goliath - 25; Democrazy - 3; Euchre - 2; Flea Circus {Zirkus Flohcati} - 52; For Sale - 3; Four Tricks {a card game I invented} - 1; Frank’s Zoo - 43; Golden Ten - 2; Go Wild! - 13; Hacienda - 3; Hare & Tortoise - 1; Hattrick - 9; Hearts - 32; Hell {Nertz} - 11; Hunters & Gatherers - 55; The Last Card - 8; Marco Polo Expedition - 3; Mexican Train - 1; Mississippi Queen - 8; Mu - 3; Oasis - 8; Office Space - 1; Phase 10 - 2; Pick Picknic - 6; Princes of Florence - 2; Rook - 1; Royal Turf - 14; Rummy 21 - 2; Santa Fe Rails - 3; Settlers of Catan - 59; Smarty Party - 2; Station Master - 3; Take It Easy - 12; Through the Desert - 6; Ticket to Ride - 17; Tightrope {Drahtseilakt} - 11; Tongiaki - 3; Trumpet - 94; Unexploded Cow - 4; Vampire - 14; Where’s Bob’s Hat? - 1. The 56th game, which will be counted eventually, when we finally play it, is Australia.
Of the 55 games, these are the ones we have played in 2006: Alhambra; Around the World in 80 Days; The Bidding Game {Oh Hell}; Bohnanza; Boomtown; Cartagena; Carcassonne; Flea Circus {Zirkus Flohcati}; For Sale; Hacienda; Hearts; Hell {Nertz}; Hunters & Gatherers; The Last Card; Mississippi Queen; Royal Turf; Settlers of Catan; Station Master; Through the Desert; Ticket to Ride; Tongiaki; and Trumpet. I hope to add Australia to this list soon.
--- Gerald … near Denver, Colorado
aka gamesgrandpa -- A grandpa who is a mile high on gaming
Something to pass down to the grandchildren, as a family heirloom.
Imagine if we could find Lord and Lady Byron's Whist win records ...
You hit the nail on the head, Yehuda. Family history is a major hobby for my wife and me, so these records most certainly will become part of our legacy. In fact, I still have some records we kept for our results of playing the old Atari electronic game cartridges, in the late 1970's and early 1980's, when our kids were about the ages of our grandchildren today. That's already part of our family history.
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