Games Played October 7, 2006

One key to happiness – GAMES
We only managed to play two games on Saturday, but still had fun. It was my birthday, so we all went out to eat some great Chinese food. When we came home, I performed a short magic show for the family (which Natalia and Joel enjoyed), opened my gifts, and then we played two games. My gifts included two new games – Hoity Toity and Dragon’s Gold. I’m looking forward to trying them both, but it will probably be at least three weeks before we get them out. Mason will not be with us next weekend, and the following weekend, Sue and I will be out of town.
First game we played was Bohnanza, with all eight of us. It was our typical fun trading game. It was an interesting finish, because Natalia did not do nearly as well as she usually does, and Katrina won the game, with Kassi second. That was really neat. Results: Katrina first; Kassi second; Joel, Dan, and Sue (tied) third; Mason and me (tied) sixth; Natalia last. For only her second game of Bohnanza, I believe Kassi has caught on to the game very well!
The other game we played was, naturally, Settlers of Catan. Katrina won both games we played today, which is much better than she has been doing lately. At the end of the game, she had nine points, including a VP card, but couldn’t build or upgrade anywhere. So, she bought a Development Card at the last moment of her turn, and it was another VP card! She has won this way more than once. Nice finish. Results: Katrina first; Dan and me (tied) second; Kassi and Sue (tied) fourth; Mason last. Poor Mason! Both times we’ve played this with Kassi, Mason has finished last, and it’s his favorite game, one he wins about half the time.
We won’t be playing games next weekend that count in our records, and won’t play at all the next weekend, so our next planned full family game day is October 28. I’m looking forward to it, and hope to maybe play one of the new games.
--- Gerald … near Denver, Colorado
aka gamesgrandpa -- A grandpa who is a mile high on gaming
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